
A Squirrel and Fenders

No pics in this post but mostly because how many times can I post the same pictures of my commute?

The past few days, though, have been the first where there was rain since my bike arrived so they proved a test. But I learned some things:

First, while there was minimal active rain while commuting, the fenders proved protective on wet surfaces. I had very little noticeable drops on my (light-colored) pants when I arrived at work. This is great to know. I am still planning on rain gear because, well, I anticipate riding in active rain and/or slush/snow during Fall and Winter. But I was also pleased with the handling on wet (slick) surfaces and the brakes didn't seem to lose any ability in the weather.

Second, while not explicitly in the instructions, I discovered by accident that the tail light also stays on when I turn the headlight on. I realize this may be expected but it was not in the instructions anywhere (though, to be fair, neither was how to turn on the headlight). As I mentioned, I think, in an earlier post: the instructions in the box do leave a bit to be desired but I have found plenty of videos and posts elsewhere across the web on how to customize and turn on some features.

Finally, on my commute today, I discovered that biking does not make one immune to the threat of an animal. As I was (speedily) coasting down a hill, a squirrel nearly entered my path. I had to swerve (on the aforementioned wet/slick surface) to avoid it. The bike handled well; I missed the squirrel; and realized that even me, on a bike, is invading what was once squirrel land as much as a car. It made me realize it may be even more hazardous since the bike is quieter than a car.

I guess truly lastly, I also hit a detour yesterday when a road on my normal route was closed. I wanted to (and did) obey the signs, so I ended up on a nearly extra mile detour. It was a nice ride but it put me directly on the roads I try to avoid on my normal route. But c'est la vie. There is adventure in it.

Workouts: 2
Workout distance: 5.93
Workout time: 22

#KBO Cargo Ranger #e-bike